I remember the words, how I said them so they would hurt

Ååh, har hittat Robyns nya Body Talk Pt 3.
Óch MUUUUMS, they are marvelous!
Den där kvinnan är så sjukt jävla smart och aaaaah, snygga, underbara kvinna!
Men ska det inte vara fler än fem?
Gief me mooooore! ;) ;)

tryck på bilden och kom till min favorit :)

If I could press rewind
Rewind the take
Redefine the line
We make mistakes
Take it back in time,
Just one day ... hey

So all I need is a time machine
A one way track cause
I'm taking it back, taking it back
All I want is a DeLorean
If I could go just like that
I'll be taking it back, taking it back


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